Archive for the ‘Check this!’ Category

Words should take you on journeys

December 27, 2008

Beauman, Sally. 2001. Rebecca’s Tale. pg. 271.

“Other nights I’d crouch in the prompt corner, listening to those winged words, learning those winged words. I knew tracts of them by heart, yet; they still light up my mind. I hear the meanings behind the meanings under the meanings – what an echo chamber! Max always wants words to be shackled, so “love” means this and “hate” means that. Lock them up in a poor prison of sense and slam the door on them. I don’t agree. Words should take you on journeys – and the journey that taught me that began and ended in the same place: Plymouth, in a street called Marine Parade, in a house called St. Agnes.”

A short break

June 30, 2006

Hello to my readers (do I have any??),

In case you’ve noticed, I’m taking a break from the novel. I’m trying to get some photos/figures done to illustrate the novel, and I am also suffering from a moderately severe case of computer burnout. I expect to get back on track in another week or so, and start posting daily again. In the meantime, I’ll be listing some sites you might find interesting.


June 4, 2006

sorry about not posting for a week! I’ve been having trouble holding to a schedule. Working at home this past week has been fun, but it’s been hard to sit down to the computer and work! Summer is just too short and fleeting in Alaska to bother with the details of life.