Chapter 1, page 18


“What are you doing here?” She eyed him skeptically, still not believing her eyes.

“Waiting for you. I wanted to meet you.”

Now she was really leery, but still curious. Meet her? “Me? You wanted to meet me?” she inquired.

“I’ve been watching you the last several days, longer really. Since you got here.”

“You’re the butterfly that’s been divebombing me, aren’t you?”

He laughed, and answered “I wasn’t divebombing you, I was just getting close enough to read you. Sorry about startling you,” he said, and grinned at her mischievously.

She turned her attention to her boots, untieing and slipping them off, she drew her socked feet up and tucked them under her. Picking up the small dried flower arrangement on the table next to her, she touched each flower one at a time, examining it in detail, keeping one eye on the creature. She picked a piece of grass out of the vase, and held it up to the light so she could scrutinize it more thoroughly.

“Why?” she finally asked.

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